Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Second Life TARDIS Systems 1 - Hands of Omega

Okay. So I am likely going to be covering a lot of TARDIS related items throughout this blog, as that is where my main interests veer towards, and they are generally very well done in Second Life. So I suppose one of the first things to do is to explain the different options a prospective TARDIS owner has within Second Life.

I am going to start with the Hands of Omega TTC system by Sen Pixie, as that is what I am currently using at the moment and already have it set up. Hands of Omega is one of the oldest, and largest manufacturer of TTC's (Time Travel Capsules) in Second Life, their main focus is on roleplay immersion and as such the strength of their systems lays in the Consoles, which, when you buy a HoO, is what your primarily looking at.

Featured Images in this post are of my current console which is an Archaic Paradox Console, mid Modification... its fair to point out that the Hands of Omega console rooms are very modder friendly.

HoO systems are intended for permanent rezzing, rather than on the fly, and many use their TARDIS as their Second Life home. Available consoles range from L$1750 to L$3500, and vary in Primcount from roughly 100 - 600 prims.

Your Hands of Omega's flight system works in either of two ways. Firstly, and primarily, is the public rezzer network. With your Console you get a single prim item, to set up as a rezzer for your exterior. You would load it with your exteriors, place it at a destination you plan to travel to often, and name it. Once it is linked to the system you can travel to that destination and your TARDIS will materialize before you even exit your console room. All HoO consoles can find destinations on the public network. This is a database of rezzers that have been made available for public use, with over 200 locations, You should never be short of somewhere to explore.

Alternatively you can choose a manual flight, and land anywhere on SL that you have the co-ordinates of. This comes with the issue that your exterior will not rezz until you leave the console and land at the destination, where the exterior shell will rezz around you.

Flights in both methods can be tailored in travel length, and if you have RPMode enabled on the console, you will use some of the TARDIS' energy in the journey. Generally, when you activate RPMode, you will have 50 flights available, and as you travel you must top up the rift energy by landing and recharging at certain locations, such as the Panopticon on New Gallifrey, or Cheshyr's Landing on the Gallifrey Sim.

RP Mode enables other things aswell, such as camera shake during explosions, and the effects of temporal prisons, which disable your TARDIS, by external methods (Daleks). The console also has a security system, Interior security is in the form of Temporal Grace, which, in essence, creates a temporary shield around aggressors within 10m of the console itself, blocking any projectile fire. Externally there is the HADs system, which momentarily de-materializes the shell in the event of it being shot at.

The exterior of a Hands of Omega console is not as feature full as some other systems, it cannot be flown as a vehicle, for example. However it does have a few interesting features. When the doors are open, communication between the Interior, and Exterior locations is possible, even if they are in different sims. The doors when closed will also not open to anyone who does not have a registered key, instead it will play a knocking sound on the door, which also plays within the console and announces who is knocking on your door. The exterior can be phase-shifted, making it invisible, and phantom (able to walk through it).

There are many other features to the Hands of Omega system... from a universal power control to add on room rezzers. The company has also released a plethora of accessories and add-ons for the system. Advanced flight controls, roleplay break down and repair, K-9 mk II, Sonic Screwdrivers which react to the HoO HUD, rooms, exterior forms and rezzer particle effects list just a few, but this post is long enough as it is.

The Hands of Omega system is a wonderful representation of a Time Lord's famous form of travel, and has its strength in the quality of its RP immersion. If you are shopping around for a TARDIS in Second Life, I strongly advise checking them out In World, and looking at their demo rooms (In the blue tardis)

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